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Looking for Hodge Family

Query by six

John Hodge born 1832 County Armagh and died 31 March 1914 in Forbes NSW.
in 1859 in Yass John Married Elizabeth Parker 1842-28 August 1926

Have a little on John and Elizabeth but mostly their son James Hodge born Gundagai, NSW. My great, Great Grandfather on my Mothers side of the family.

Surnames: Hodge Joyce. Taunton
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by six Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2008-01-01 23:34:35

six has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2008. is researching the following names: TAUNTON, PARKER, ALLYCAT and 13 other(s).

Do you know someone who can help? Share this:


by delbut on 2008-02-14 17:15:04

dear six I am researching all John & Elizabeths children 14 of them and the hardest imformation to get is from the living.I have james wife and children & some on their spouses and children but not a great deal. I also have some imfo on other 13 branches.I am just learning how to use computer

by six on 2008-02-14 18:31:08

dear delbut, Have some info on the hodge family I will send to you, I can put it on here or you can send your E-mail and I will address to this sight and I'll e-mail you the iformation
Regards Shirley

by six on 2008-02-16 01:38:27

Dear Delbut
How does My info match up with yours I would be interested in knowing, or if you need anymore help
regard shirley

by allycat on 2009-01-04 22:29:05

Dear Shirley and Del,

Hello there again. John HODGE and Elizabeth PARKER were my Great Great Great Uncle and Aunt, with Elizabeth my relative - the older sister of John PARKER who was my paternal grandma's grandfather.

I would like to electronically invite you both to an interactive family tree (free) of ours online via your email addresses. Would you be so kind as to please click on my username to send me a personal message letting me know your email addresses and whether it was your mother or father who was a HODGE/PARKER descendant please so I can fit you in our tree exactly, thanks.

There's much more information at our tree there. I saw a record of John HODGE's birth as being 25th August, 1830 from a BURTON descendant in their tree online at ancestry.com only just today. See: 6th child William Clements HODGE who married Elizabeth Ann BURTON.

Alison from QLD.
(PARKER, BONE, GIBSON, BROWN descendant like yourselves).

by bs on 2009-01-30 19:07:29

My mother was Eileen Elizabeth Knight nee Hodge. MJy line would be the same as Delma Butlers.
I don't normally use this site but would like to.

by bs on 2009-01-30 19:08:27

Sorry meant to sign off.

by pappahodge on 2011-04-24 22:29:34

My grandfather, Thomas Marion Hodge and his wife, Edna Carlotta Virginia Sartin are interred in the Burton-Walker Family Cemetary in Eggleston, VA, so it's a good chance we're related.

I still have to verify this, but Thomas Marion's father was apparently Robert(Huffman Hubert?) Hodge, nicknamed The Captain, and Nancy Josephine (Josie) Stevens. They're interred at the Pleasent Hill Church Cemetary--again, have to personally verify this, going by what my cousins have posted in their genealogies :)


Thanks for putting up with my wordiness ;)

by allycat on 2011-05-23 23:29:34

Bumped up for HODGE descendants.

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