I am lookingfor stubbs or northeasts

hi i am looking for information on the stubbs and the northeast family trees. if anyone has info please contact me

Have you read my journal on this web site? It contains all of the information I have, which is not much.

Hi! I'm decended from the Stubbs of Yorkshire, I have info on the family from 1844 (when my third great grandmother, Jane Hatton ne Stubbs was born in Australia) all the way back to William Stubbs, born in Yorkshire in the mid-1500s.
Please let me know if you'd like to know more. If you are using www.geni.com to record your family tree, you can find me there too.

Lawrence, Thankyou for the information. I need more details as my grandfather lived in Nova Scotia (I think Dartmouth) for many years and possibly from birth. I never met any of the Northeasts except my brothers so none of us knows much. My Grandfathers name was Aquilla Northeast and I have no real idea of grandma's name other than I think it started with an M. They had 3 children. Terrance Aquilla born around 1944, Ruth and Connie. I heard stories of how my grandmother tricked Aquilla by becoming pregnant before he left for war. I don't know anymore at this time.

Jillian I need more info please. I posted what i know on Geni so maybe you can help. I do know that William Stubbs SR...had a brother named reg and other brothers and sisters including i think a bertha a mary ...my hubby has a second or third cousin named Sidney.

Lawrance, This is Laurie. I am now using this account name because I no longer have the e-mail address for the account name of shanika. anyways, I have found more reletives on ancestry.ca and now know that Aquilla's father was Simon who was William's(1847) son. We beleive William's (1847) father was also William (abt 1825. Keeping this in mind William (1825) was married to a Charlotte.