Looking fo Neill of Rockhampton Qld
I am looking for any information about James Neill of Rockhampton around 1890 to 1920. I know he was the assistant ligt keeper on Balaclava Island off Rockampton during 1895 to 1907. His wifes name was Elizabeth and they lived with their family on Balaclava Island. Later the family moved to Rockhampton [around 1907] and then James became a sailor. He eventually moved to Brisbane and was a dental technitian.
I would love to know what ships he worked on and how he became a dental technitian.
on 2008-04-16 00:50:04
mabmac , from Queensland Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Apr 2008. is researching the following names: MCCROHON, NEILL, MACFARLANE and 2 other(s).