Looking for any info on Andrew Jackson Jaynes of East Tn.
My maiden name is Mary Gwynn Jaynes. My father was Roy Raymond Jaynes. His father was Andrew Jackson Jaynes and his mother was Mary Livesay Jaynes. They lived in Kyles Ford Tn. My father has been gone for about 20 years now and I would like to find some roots on that side of my family. He had some brothers, Frank Jaynes who moved to Missouri, Clay Jaynes of Rogersville, Sisters, Alma Jaynes Horton, Jessee Jaynes of Rogersville and Sue Jaynes Boyd, All deceased. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you, Mary
Hi Mary! My grandmother was Alma Jaynes Horton. She raised Sue Jaynes Boyd's son Chuck. Sue died when Chuck was young and his father was not in the picture. We know very little about Alma and Sue. I would love it if you could share any info you dig up!
Who is your mother? I remember Chuck.What happened to him? I was just a child when this happened, but I remember going to her funeral. Are you Mary Margaret's daughter? I don't know anything about Chuck's dad. I do remember going to Aunt Alma's as a child. She was an excellent cook.
Mary Margaret is my mom, although she loathes the "Margaret" part! Mom and I live in Maryville, TN. Chuck is married and has a teenage son. They live just outside Washington D.C. Where do you live?
I live in Kingsport,Tn. I have a daughter, Lyndsay who just turned 27 yesterday. Twin boys, Conner and Logan who will graduate from Sullivan North High School this May, and a beautiful grandson, Raymond Brody that will be 6 in August.My husband is Steve. We live on a farm.