The surname McGlynn with connections to Winters, Sands, McDevitt, My...<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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The surname McGlynn with connections to Winters, Sands, McDevitt, My...

Journal by Mary Kay_J

The surname McGlynn with connections to Winters, Sands, McDevitt,
My great grandmother was Samantha McGlynn Winters (William C.) their daughter married my grandfather Daniel McDevitt, I believe they are from the Donegal, Ireland area and settled in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio late 1800's - other lines in this family are Sands, Witter.

Surnames: MCGLYNN
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by Mary Kay_J Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2002-09-05 16:33:34

Mary Kay_J has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 1970. is researching the following names: MCGLYNN, CALPIN.

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by Vanlaeys on 2016-02-05 12:13:15

Mary Kay,
I have a Charles McGlynn born 10 Jan 1827 (Tyrone)died 12 Nov 1906 (Philadelphia) his trade was tailor. His parents were John McGlynn and Grace Gallagher born around or prior to 1800. Charles McGlynn immigrated about 1842 served in the Civil War. Charles McGlynn (McGlinn McGlen) married Anne Gallagher and had the following children: Grace b.1847 married John Lanahan), Mary b. 1848, Anne b. 1850 (married Patrick Casey), John V born 1852 married Bridget Loughery (my grt grt grandparents)), Charles b. 1854, William, James, Isabella, Peter.
I also have McDevitt in my grt grt grandmothers side, her sister Catherine Loughery b. abt 1878 in Co Donegal married Henry McDevitt (the McDevitt's came from Claddy).
I have a great deal more information too much to list on this message. If any of this interests you please contact me.

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