Record of The Family of Joseph Ellis<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Record of The Family of Joseph Ellis

Journal by KAH45

Preface of the book states: Much credit for the record is due Lallah Haddon, born 1 Oct., 1890. Lallah was the daughter of John C. Haddon, born 2 March, 1853, and Hattie Sandley. Lallah married C. E. Dayvault. She served as secretary of the Ellis Reunion, 1911-1917. We regret that the record is not complete, as to some families, due to inability to contact them. The descendants are scattered from South Carolina to California. On account of expense, it has been necessary to omit much of interest and to condense the record. There were seventeen children of John Eli Ellis and they are designated I to XVII; his children by A,B, and etc. The words, born, died and married have been omitted. For example under III,"Polly Ann Ellis, Jan. 13,1822 - June 20,1887-Zechariah Haddon, Nov. 14,1841-June 28, 1900", means "Polly Ann Ellis was born Jan.13, 1822, died June 20,1887; married Zechariah Haddon Nov. 14,1841 and he died June 28,1900, and so on throughout the record.
On August 23, 1884 a reunion of the family was held at the old homestead in Abbeville County,S.C. with 85 present. On July 27, 1911 a reunion of the descendants was held at Bethelem Church near Due West, with 170 relatives present. This family reunion was held annually until 1929 with as many as 400 present. The five preachers of the family served in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.
Information Prepared By: Rev McClintock Todd Ellis, D.D.
July 31, 1939, Fayetteville, Tenn.

Surnames: Autrey Davidson Ellis Haddon Leslie Riley Wright
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by KAH45 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2009-08-30 18:48:50

KAH45 , from USA, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Aug 2009. is researching the following names: WRIGHT, WRIGHTANDHADDON, AUTREY and 6 other(s).

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