Help finding Daniel McComas lineage (1799-1832)
My Father Earl McComas was the only son of Harry McComas who was one of 12 children of Dr. Edward Mitchell McComas. Edward's father was Daniel McComas (b. 1799 Maryland d.1832 Ohio of smallpox; married to Mary Ann Mitchell in 1823)
I am having trouble finding Daniel's lineage. Any help would be appreciated.
if you gom to family search .com and look up daniel mccomas in maryland you will find the line it goes to daniel mccomas 1662 my maiden name is mccomas and this is my line too. I have not got any farther back than that. try it and see
My husband's line has a Daniel McComas (b 1755 died 1830 but the dates could be off) who married Elizabeth (maiden name unkn). His parents were William McComas and Hannah Deaver. They had at least 7 children. Olivia, John, Mordecai,Nathaniel, Samuel, Martha, Frederick,and Hannah who may be a twin to Nathaniel as they were both born in 1748. Elizabeth and Daniel had 3 children: William b 1784 in PA died 1845 in Muskingum Ohio (married Hannah Norris), Edward (b 1785 d 1862 in PA) and Jane (b 1802 in PA).
Is this your Daniel? Good luck!
I am still looking for Daniel McComas 1799-1832 lineage. I guess we mccomas keep reusing the same first names, making it difficult. I think my Daniel was born in MD, but it's possible that it was actually Virginia. Any help would be much appreciated.