Looking For Information On Thomas John McCallie
Thomas John McCallie Supposed To Have Came Over From Scotland . He Was Married To A CherokeeIndian Don't Know If It Was Tenn. Or S.C. Her Name Was Either Elizabeth Jane Long Or Betsy Jane Long,That's Just About All I Know Thanks Annie Sue McCallie Wiesle
on 2010-05-05 02:38:24
anniesue44 has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2010. is researching the following names: ALBERSON, JACKALBERSON, MCCALLIE and 1 other(s).
Annie ,
Thomas John McCallie did not come from Scotland but his ancestors did. Alexander and Margaret (Majough) had 3 boys who came to the USA in 1775. They lived near Whigtown Parrish, Scotland. Any way there is a ton of information out there now.
Also, there is much debate on whether or not Betsy was Cherokee. My grandpa, her son said she was indian. But many of the researchers say she wasn't and that her father was Irish. Personaly looking at her picture , I think she looks very native. In my research, all of the patterns of travel seem to have followed where the cherokees were. When they left TN, they were headed to Oklahoma for the land grab. They got stuck in Arkansas for the winter and didn't make it on time. Some went back to TN and some stayed in Arkansas. Thomas and Besty are buried in Franklin County, Arkansas in Carpenter's Cemetery. They lived near Dardenell. There were Cherokees settled in this area and then my grandpa moved to Mississippi county, Arkansas near Manila. They lived in a little place called Lost Cane. I don't think it even exist any more. Any way, there is a large lake there, Black Lake, I believe was the name, any way, there was a community of Cherokee living there. Dad said when he was little, grandpa use to tell him not to tell that they were part Indian or they would get stuck on some reservation .