Researching my maternal grandmother's line of the RHEA family...
Hello My name is Myrtle Mandane Ennis. I am researching my maternal grandmother's line of the RHEA fammily. Here goes-----Moses Rhea was the father of Ezekiel RHEA who trekked to White County Tennessee. Ezekiel died about 1810 in White co tn. His son was William Pryor Rhea
who had married Elizabeth Pryor. They were the parents of James W. RHEA. His son was John Byrd RHEA, who homesteaded in Hale Co Texas when his brother Stanton RHEA had him moved his large family out to Texas. Stanton Rhea is mentioned in a historical mark in Hale co Texas. He carried the US mail on a stagecoach run that he drove for several years. John Byrd Rhea and his second wife Mary Lousetta Williams Rhea came back to Tennessee. My grandmother Myrtle Rhea BROYLES and her husband William Nile BROYLES had returned earlier as Nile could not stand Texas. They returned with their only child, Mary Belle BROYLES who was 16 months at the time. They returned to Sparta Tennessee. My mother Mary Belle BROYLES was born 1908 in Hale Co Texas.
John Byrd Rhea first wife died of tb as did their 2 children leaving no issue of this marriage. It is said that John Rhea's first wife pick out Mary Lousetta Williams for John Rhea to marry after her death as Mary Lousetta Williams was young and strong where she was not. Mary Lousetta was the daughter of Dr. Chaim Williams and was so good at diagnosing that she was allowed to write her own prescriptions for her family.
I do know that when a typhoid epedemic went thru White County,Tn
Mary Lousetta (known as Kate) came back to Sparta and saved my grandmother and my mother who were not expected to live.
on 2010-05-21 13:46:26
Family History is interesting to the max---MME