Looking for Philip FORD
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Looking for my great grandfather Philip H. Ford abt.1843. Census 1880 listed he and his family in Census Place District 101, Beat 4, Coahoma,Mississippi Household listed as P.H.FORD,37 born Scotland--N.Q.FORD (Should be M.Q.) 23 born LA Two sons R.J.B.(Brown)FORD 3 born AR and Willie 1 born MS
Philips had a son born 1881 Aurelius Hanks FORD lived his life in AR Married Hattie Baker 25 Dec 1897 , Jefferson,AR. I have Hattie (Harriott) dieing 1909 in Humphrey,AR I would like to find more info on Hattie where she is buried, her birth date and place of birth. Any and all info would be greatly appreciated.