Moses Locke, 1849 (IL) - 1894 (Newton Co, or Jasper Co, MO) married Sophia Foreman & Emma W.

I have located MOSES LOCKE on the 1880 Census for Dist 97, Shoal Creek, Newton Co, MO, USA. This 1880 Census shows MOSES LOCKE head of household-born 1849 in IL; SOPHIA Locke, wife, born 1850 in IL and died in MO; she was a FOREMAN; AQUILLUS LOCKE, son, born 1873 (KS); Olve, daughter, born born (1876 MO). When SOPHIA passed, MOSES married Emma, I believe this is when they had a son. I cannot confirm that he is the father.
A news paper article states that when EMMA's x-husband returned, after deserting her and their son, and after the marriage of Moses and Emma, he was shot by MOSES, by accident. He was let go becaues of the circumstances of MOSES'S confession. Records prior to 1880 are a little scattered and I cannot confirm anything, other than MOSES was in the KS Calvary and sustained injuries that would later take his life. SOPHIA LOCKE'S father was JACK Foreman, which we discovered later was the nickname for John Foreman. MOSES LOCK's parents are quite questionable also. I would appreciate any information to help me get this correct.

on 2010-06-26 01:54:40
mkb789 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2010.