Looking for DUNCAN in Chester Co South Carolina
Looking for parents or Thomas DUNCAN
1850 Chester CO. SC Baton Rouge District Census
Thomas DUNCAN 50 yrs Farmer All are listed as born in SC
Anna DUNCAN 48
Frances DUNCAN 18
Mary DUNCAN 16
Alex DUNCAN 14
John Duncan 12 Family Bible as John POWELL DUNCAN
Nancy J. DUNCAN 6
Malinda DUNCAN 2
John DUNCAN was my gg Grandfather, He went by J P DUNCAN and served in the Confederate Engerneers. He married Mary Minter of Blairsville York Co SC. They lived in Blairsville and had 6 children.
Some of the children reportedly moved to Ala., Miss., and elsewhere.
Thomas Duncan my ggg grandfather is shown in the 1800 Chester CO Census as less than 1 yr old. He is also in the 1870 Chester Co Census being 70 yrs old. The Yorkville Inquirer reports his death in Blairsville SC so he apparently was living with his son John DUNCAN who lived in Blairsville