W.R. Berry
Looking for information concerning William R. Berry. He is the son of James M. Berry and Darcus of Marshall Co., Ala. born in 1850. Trying to make a connection
for this William R. Berry to see if he is the same man who married Martha Winslow
in Cross Co., ark in 1880. He is the mystery ggrandfather of mine who has until
I discovered the marriage license recently; been a huge brick wall for this family.
The William R. Berry of Alabama married a woman in 1873 by the name of Delcinia Miranda Pinkerton. Delcina had the marriage annulled because she found that
William R. already had a wife. Who he had earlier married?;not sure.
I think my ggrandfather was a of pretty questionable character as after Martha died, he abandoned my grandfather and his siblings. In 1895, at the age of 45, he married an 18 year old girl named Carrie Rutherford in Jackson co., Ark. He used his nick name "Saker" when he married Carrie. This was discovered in the 1970s by a professional historian. Any information concerning this would be much appreciated. Thanks, Barbara