BAILEY on PECK of Taita
the BAILEYs on the tree up to 13 Aug 2010
1. Bailey, Alice Annie (1908 - 1989)
2. Bailey, Ann (b.1780)
3. Bailey, Anne (1825 - 1828)
4. Bailey, Charles Zenophon John (1868 - 1900)
5. Bailey, Clara
6. Bailey, Edwin
7. Bailey, Edwin Seymour (b.1812)
8. Bailey, George (1826 - 1828)
9. Bailey, Harriet (b.1839)
10. Bailey, Harry (1903 - 1987)
11. Bailey, Henry Corrnelius (b.1845)
12. Bailey, James (1786 - 1859)
13. Bailey, James (b.1821)
14. Bailey, James (b.1841)
15. Bailey, Jan (b.1792)
16. Bailey, Jane (b.1840)
17. Bailey, John (b.1756)
18. Bailey, John (b.1823)
19. Bailey, Ken Cameron (1902 - 1984)
20. Bailey, Louisa (1843 - 1883)
21. Bailey, Marion Shirley
22. Bailey, Mary Anne (1828 - 1891)
23. Bailey, Richard (b.1790)
24. Bailey, Richard (1817 - 1894)
25. Bailey, Samuel George (b.1878)
26. Bailey, Sarah (b.1782)
27. Bailey, Sarah (b.1820)
28. Bailey, Susannah (1861 - 1944)
29. Bailey, Violet Margaret Catherine (b.1883)
30. Bailey, William
31. Bailey, William (b.1785)
32. Bailey, Zenophoen (1837 - 1920)
on 2010-08-15 17:44:29
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.
I have the following Bailey's in my tree, would be interested to hear from you and see if the bailys match.
George Bailey
Born: South Africa
est dob 1845 - 1850
est dob 1845 - 1850
Mary Annie Young
Born: South Africa
George Richard Bailey
1878 - 1957
Born: Cape Town, South Africa
Died: Walcha, New South Wales, Aus