1) Barry COTTER..He was born about 1807 in County Cork or Limerick Ire...

1) Barry COTTER..He was born about 1807 in County Cork or Limerick Ireland. He was a surgeon in the Medical Corp in Van Diemans Land and Later in Mebourne Victoria Australia
He had a brother John who also imigrated to Australia
He married Inez Seville (maybe Savile Fitgerald 1838 in Melbourne.
2) Inez Seville Fitzgerald arrived in NSW aboard the Geo Canning... She was about 4 yrs old at the time... Sge came out with a Colonel Kenneth Snodgrass & had apparently bee adopted by that family. Her father was Edward Fitgerald of Cork in Ireland.
3) Edward Fitgerald was apparently an "Honourable" & had mebbe died or Inez could have been illegitimate.
Dr Barry COTTER came to Melbourne with Batman
Lt Col Kenneth SNODGRASS was apparently Governor of Van Diemans land for a Period and also was acting Governor of NSW from Dec 1837 - Feb 1838. He had adopted the child Inez Seville Fitzgerald
Any information Would be appreciated

on 2004-06-16 01:54:32
lynnbc has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov -0001. is researching the following names: COTTER, FITZGERALD, SNODGRASS.