Correction-George H washingtonc cain was married to Florence Cole Aka Elizabeth Florence Cole
she was the daughter of James and Harriet Cole-Hardy West Virginia.
George H Cain aka George washington Cain born abt 1870/73.
Here is a list of his children on West Virginia Census.
Browney/Brown Cain b.1898 died 1982 -
Willie L cain b. 1907 death 1971 (Married a Jackson and a Brady)
Wesley Cain b. 1903 death 1976
Ollie/Olive cain b. 1905 d.1970 (married a Tross)
Mary Amzella Cain b. 1890 d.1971
Ernest Cain b. 1912 d.1971
Eldern Cain b. 1899 d. ?
George A Cain b. 1909 d. ?
Gladys Cain b. 1915 d. ? (married a Balls)
Other possible children Eunice Cain who Married John Fields 1917
and Laura cole found on census born 1900 d. ?