Looking for Father of John M Pike Sr
Looking for the father of John M Pike Sr. His father's name was Raymond Pike, his mothers name was Hazel Fouts - Hayes. John Pike sr was born 1945. His father was from Cincinnati Ohio, moved to Kentucky for a while and served in the military. He had a sister named Maryfae Pike.
on 2011-10-28 10:25:27
I am looking for "Raymond Pike", sister "Maryfae Pike" from Cincinnati Ohio, and Kentucky. I am researching "Raymond Pike" had a son named John Pike in 1945, with Hazel Fouts (Pike). Raymond had a sister named Maryfae Pike, and I think a brother or an uncle named Algae Pike. Raymond was from Cincinnati Ohio. Moved to Kentucky for a while. Served in the military and that is all I know. If you have any information on this family please help me out.