Looking for Spiteri/ Vassallo Familys from Malta that left for Canada/Austraila after the war.
My Grandfather Spiteri/ Edward
My Grandmother Spiteri/ Concetta
Their Children are:
Louis, Charles, John, Mary, Rose, Peter. there may be more.
My Grandmother Vassallo/ Beatrice
My Grandfather Vassallo/ Anthony
Their children are Mary Carman, Josie,Jane, and Anthony Jr.
My Parents are Spiteri/ Peter
Vassallo/ Mary
their children are:
Concetta, Diane, Brian, Edward, Jeffery.
Concetta's Children are:
Michelle, Francessco, Matthew.
Diane's children are:
Peter, Andrea, Sammantha.
Brian's children are:
Danial, Darcy, Dale.
Ed's Children are:
Jeffery's children are:
This is just the close relitives. the list goes on.
on 2011-11-26 04:32:46
Looking for extended family: Spiteri/Vassallo Hamrun/Malta