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Article by dougsun

Just thought i would give my reason for doing the Sunnex research
Only became interested after my father died because of what he used to tell me many times about his family and thought maybe i should look into it
I remember all his stories about being in the J force occupying Japan and getting wounded after war finished by driving over a land mine in a jeep in Japan,about 4 to 5 soldiers were hurt in some way but no deaths
I did find reference to this and also his father shooting himself in the foot while hunting which was why he said all male Sunnex after this have a slight imperfection in their right foot
But the most outstanding story he was always telling was about a relation that told him when he was just a little boy,do not worry son when i die,none of the family will get my money and he still remembered being shown a Kero tin full to the brim with Gold sovereigns buried just below ground level,and told him you remember when you get older and i am gone
Of course the years went by and Dad moved around,went to school and eventually worked for his parents on cow farm before enlisting in the army
While in Japan he lost his sister to drowning and on his return married my mother and had 4 children
I still remember myself when he would go on his little expeditions to his family old addresses looking for the gold,but of course everything had changed so much,he went many times and gave up believing someone had already found it as many houses had been built were he thought was the area
He still remembered the relation never had money,until he would return from walking down the railway tracks to a Hotel,getting highly drunk and coming back with jingling pockets and giving my dad half pennies
A lot of Sunnex,s had a drinking problem in those days,maybe still do

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by dougsun Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-01-14 22:31:20

dougsun has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2012.

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