Looking for PIDGEON, SQUIRE & PINSON of Wolverhampton
Hannah Squire married to John Pinson. They had 4 children, Laura, Ernest, Bertha and Irene.
Laura married the son of Alfred James Pidgeon and Maria Burnham, Leonard Alfred Pidgeon.
They had five children, including Olive Marie who married Robert Simms from Surrey, England
on 2012-05-13 06:09:29
Fizzpop has been a Family Tree Circles member since Apr 2012.
I think you should contact Ian Pidgeon who can help here#
You can see these on this link http://homepage.ntlworld.com/i.c.pidgeon/Genealogy/PIDGEON/Tree_Stafford.htm
Ian can be contacted via that website too which he runs
Please let me know how you get on
Tim Pidgeon