HULL - SURREY, ENGLAND & NSW, AUSTRALIA & TASMANIA, AUST<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Journal by ucantsayno

HULL ? This Hull family line originated in Childesoakford, Carshalton, Surrey, England, with George Hull who was the third son of Thomas & Rose Hull. The children of Thomas & Rose were: Thomas, Joseph, George, James, Rose, Mary & Sarah.
George Hull married Anna Munro and they moved to Australia in 1818, first going to Sydney and then to Tasmania, with their two eldest children. This Hull family made a significant name for themselves in Tasmania and some of the line later moved to South Australia and Victoria.
I would be very keen to find out what happened to all of Thomas and Rose?s children.

Surnames: HULL MUNRO
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by ucantsayno Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2005-03-17 00:51:09

ucantsayno , from Victoria, Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Mar 2005. is researching the following names: CHRISP, HOULDEY, SHARP and 31 other(s).

Do you know someone who can help? Share this:


by Rosskeen on 2007-10-10 09:40:24

Hi there,
I look after the Clan Munro Members in Australia. One of our members was John Locke Munro Hull from Tasmania who, unfortunately, is now dead. He gave me only a very brief tree.Anna Munro & George Hull had 13 children as you probably know and our JLM Hull was descended from one of them - Henry Jocelyn Hull 1829-1893. His son Frederick Arthur Hull 1877-1958 was the father of our JLM Hull 1913-2005.
There is a book about one of the family members called Clerk of the House The Reminiscences of Hugh Munro Hull 1818-1892 by Lucille V Andel

by Hully on 2008-05-04 06:14:55

My name is Greg Hull, i am currently researching my family tree and have traced back to Ann Forbes as a direct decendant who was on the first fleet to Australia. I am still trying to research more on the Hull side who were in NSW mainly

by chrhfrps on 2008-09-12 21:16:46

Hi Hully,

I am trying to find any info. on Mary Sabina Hull,
born approx. 1880/1882, in Wilcannia, NSW.
She was my grandmother, married to Henry Green, from England.

by hoi_poli on 2008-10-19 23:19:14

Hi Hully,

I am looking for any relatives related to James Hull of Molong. I found out after my grandfather passed away by mistake that I am a desendent from him. I know that James Hull of Molong passed away in 1961.

by Rozzie1 on 2011-09-07 02:28:26

I am related to George Hull. There is a lot of information on the Hull family at that time, when they first came to Australia. I am directly descended from Georgina Rose Hull and Phillip Emmett.
I have a real interest in their lives and am a bit obsessed about this part of my tree. Have visited Tasmania and read some of the documents in the library. A letter from Hugh Munro Hull to his sister Georgina on the passing of their Father was particularly moving.
Roz Hancock

by gypsy850 on 2012-01-19 22:41:32

I am looking for the Hull family also, as far as I can trace, I am related to George Hull (son of Thomas Hull) and Anna Munro (daughter of Hugh Munro). My grandfather (Allan Galbraith Hull) was the grandson of Hugh Munro Hull (mentioned above). I have ordered a copy of 'Clerk of the House' and am eagerly awaiting it's arrival. I have done a fair bit of research from various family tree websites on the internet, but am hoping to be able to exchange any information others have for any I have that they may be missing.

by SueWoods on 2013-01-26 04:41:41

Hello Hully,
Mary Sabina Hull and Henry Green are also my grandparents. My father was David Morgan John Green the 13th of their 15 children (born alive). I think that all of Mary and Henry's children are now deceased. I do not know a lot about the family as dad never spoke much about them. The only ones that I can remember clearly because I saw them several times were Aunty Ann and Uncle Richard. I have a copy of their Certificate of Marriage which was on 20th September 1899. Mary's parents were James Hull (a Saddler) and Elizabeth Davis. Hope that this is helpful.

by ann cook on 2013-05-27 18:45:54

I am resesaching Hull's from Tasmania.
Edward Hull married a Ellen Allan.
They had three daughters Eliza, Sarah, and Ellen
Sarah is the line I am looking for she married a Alfred Cook

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