HARRING family from Bromham Wiltshire England
Searching for ancestors of Benjamin Harring (1746 Bromham) who married Jane Willcox in 1772 & their daughter Mary Harring born in 1775 Bromham.
Benjamin's parents - also Benjamin Harring & Hannah.
on 2005-05-14 22:20:38
KitKat , from Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2005. is researching the following names: GEDDES, SUTHERLAND, MALCOLM and 2 other(s).
Hello, Looks like I am following the same line with Benjamin Harring and Jane (Jenny) Wilcox. I have his dad as Benjamin b 21-06-1712 mother Hannah no maiden name. Any help appreciated.
Verrill Ellis
Hello, thanks for replying but am afraid that I don't have any further details on the Harring/Willcox families. Thanks very much for supplying the birth date of Benjamin senior.