Barbara Blood
Married Lawrence Size in 1808.
Son Martin Size, Born 1809 in Marylebone. Comedian. Stage name Fred Size Martin. On his Marriage certificate.
Would like to know when he changed his name from "Martin Size", to "Frederick Size Martin" and why.
His father Lawrence Size had a daughter with another lady, three years after MARTIN sIZE'S BIRTH.
As Lawrence was in his early thirties, and Barabara was about forty five, this could be the reason. Also Barbara Blood seems to have been cut off from her family since her attachment and marriage to Lawrence Size, who was a mere servant. She was in an apparently wealthy family, who are listed in Burke's Peerage. The sponsor for her confinement in Endell Street Maternity Hospital was John Julius Angerstein, which is interesting.
on 2013-03-15 16:54:03
jpembery has been a Family Tree Circles member since Mar 2013.