LICENSED to OPEN TILL midnight, 1864 - Auckland & Russell
Daily Southern Cross, 15 Aug 1864
LICENSED to KEEP OPEN TILL 12 o'clock p.m.
* Henry ADAMS
... the QUEEN'S HEAD HOTEL, Auckland
* William BACON
... the ODD FELLOWS ARMS, Auckland
* Edward BARRY
... the TRAFALGAR INN, Auckland
* Joseph BOULTER
... the BRITISH HOTEL, Auckland
... the LION AND LAMB, Chancery Street, Auckland
* Thomas COLE
... the DEVON and CORNWALL HOTEL, Auckland
... the WAITEMATA HOTEL, Auckland
* Patrick DARBY
... the THISTLE INN, Queen Street, Auckland
* Stephen FOAT
... the ROYAL OAK HOTEL, Auckland
* Henry Croft FULLER
... the RAGLAN HOTEL, Raglan
... the UNITED SERVICE HOTEL, Auckland
* Alfred HORLEY
... the ROYAL HOTEL, Raglan
* Sophia Paris JAMES (1818-1897 nee Foot) and Son
... Q. C. E. HOTEL, Shortland Street, Auckland. First Hotel in Auckland
Evening Post, 26 March 1897 JAMES - On the 26th March, 1897, at the residence of Mrs J. P. Stevenson, Newtown, Sophia Paris, relict of the late Lewis James (formerly of Auckland); aged 79 years. She was buried Bolton St., Wellington
* husband Lewis (1814-1861), had the license until his death. He is buried Symonds Street cemetery
* daughter, Sophia Frances JAMES (1842-1915) married John Pitcairn Stevenson (1830-1875) in 1865. They were buried Bolton St, Wellington
* In 1867 the license was held by Sophia Paris & son, Louis Rose (1838-1885) James. Louis took over the Mercer Refreshment Rooms in Jan 1882. He died 27 Jan 1885 in Mercer, from complications of dropsy caused by a burst blood vessel a few months prior
* NZ Herald, 29 April 1869 James' Q.C.E. Hotel, Victoria Street, opposite Cobb & Co's., Auckland. Visitors to Auckland, Commercial Men and others, will find all the comforts of a well conducted hotel, with the well known. Quality, Cleanliness and Economy. Enlarged Premises of 10 new bedrooms. L. R. James, Proprietor
* George BEATTY had the license by 1873
first person to be issued with a Publicans' License
* Thomas MacREADY
... the DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH, Queen Street, Auckland
* William MARSDEN
... the VICTORIA HOTEL, Auckland
* Peter Storier McKENZIE
... the STAR HOTEL, Otahuhu
* John Commacher McLEOD
... the ALBION HOTEL, Auckland
* James MILL
... the ROYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL, Onehunga
* George NAIRN
... the GENERAL CAMERON, Auckland
* William NICOL
... the MASONIC HOTEL, Auckland
* James PALMER
... the ROYAL HOTEL, Eden Crescent, Auckland
* Nathaniel REED
... the ROYAL HOTEL, Onehunga
* Lawrence ROBERTSON
... the UNION HOTEL, Auckland
* Thomas ROGERS
... the CRITERION HOTEL, Otahuhu
* James RYNE
... the METROPOLITAN HOTEL, Auckland
* William SADGROVE
... the FORRESTER'S ARMS, Auckland
* Mary SIMS
... the COMMERCIAL INN, Shortland Street, Auckland
(husband Frederick had the license in 1861)
* William SMITH
... the OLD HOUSE AT HOME, Auckland
* Robert STOW
... the FREEMANS HOTEL, Auckland
* Richard WALKER
... the EXCHANGE HOTEL, Auckland
* Isaac Richardson VIALOU
... the AUCKLAND HOTEL, Auckland
* Bryant VERCOE
... the GREYHOUND HOTEL, Auckland
Bryant had the ROYAL EXCHANGE in Shortland Street in 1861
* LICENSED to KEEP OPEN TILL 10 o'clock p.m.
* PUBLICANS' LICENSES 1864 Auckland & Bay of Islands
PHOTO c1860-1869
Looking east Queen Street to south side of Shortland St
.........FROM RIGHT:
* City Market with men standing in front
* Steers Hotel (the tallest building in photo)
* Q.C.E. HOTEL - see Sophia Paris JAMES
on 2013-10-25 17:31:34
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.