looking for family of Sarah Jane Campbell of Irwin Area and of Wattandee tribe in Western Australia
I;m a great grandson of Sarah Jane Campbell and her mother was Jinnie of Irwin which originate from Irwin River of Dongara in western astralia. from Wattandee tride along the Irwin River.Great Grand mother married my great grandfather Charlie Brockman.
Searching for information on my grandmother Emily/Emma Brockman daughter of Charlie and Sarah, also searching for information on Wattandee Tribe to resurrect our tribe that we are ancestors of Wattandee people.
on 2014-01-06 23:26:21
thomascameron has been a Family Tree Circles member since Dec 2013.
Dear Thomascameron,
My name is Rhonda Blake (nee Feehan) my grand father's name was Charles Feehan' Sarah was married to my great grandfather Mathew Feehan, they lived in Arrino between 1903 to 1907. If you would like some help with any information that i have please contact me my email address is rkblake55@gmail.com.au as I know what how hard research is. regards Rhonda Blake