looking for derrick of england
I am researching my ancestors to build a family tree. At the moment i have only got as far as my granparents. i have a name for my great granfather but i am having problems finding him.
Dear Paula
Unless you actually give others a bit mere detail (derrick, england?) you may find your search to be a very long one. You may have probably noticed already - when writing a surname for genealogical purposes it is the preferred convention to always write the name in UPPERCASE LETTERS. There are thousands of email 'lists' for genealogy, and when you begin discussing surnames that can also everyday words or items like LIGHT, or be first names like DERRICK and JAMES; there has to be some quick and easy way of distinguishing the important feature. It also has the added bonus of making the words leap out from a full page of information so that you can find them more easily.
Likewise, with so many names, it is preferential to put a location, and to use the proper noun, (Capital Letter) to make it sound out. England is a bit too vague, so try to put in some more detail, like Southern England, no idea of birth County, but married in ... or died in .... Or even son born in .... . In addition, you need dates, and again, if no concrete dates are known, then circa (c.) should be used.
If you do not know what your Grandfathers christian name was, then you should put his son/daughters name, so anybody finding a match will have some clue as to your ancestors identity.
Good luck hunting.