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Benade Genealogy

Query by CJBenade

I am struggling to create a proper family tree for the benade's as I do not have any ancestor records or family that can help me with the search. I also want to know what our crest look like? I do know that our ancestors were brothers that did not see eye to eye and each changed their surname spelling. mine come from Benadicht. I beleive it is german/dutch or french?

Please help with any information if possible.

Surnames: BENADE
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by CJBenade Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2014-02-12 03:40:08

CJBenade has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2011. is researching the following names: BENADE.

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by noggin on 2014-02-12 14:20:11

You must be able to start somewhere.

Work back from yourself - parents (siblings) grandparents, uncles, aunts.

Where are you based Country/ state/ county /town

I just put the surname Benade into and got:

Search Results from User Submitted Genealogies 279,038 results world wide

Search Results for Historical Records 4,483,862 results world wide

Give some info on your family, palces of birth if you know them, approx ages etc and perhaps someone may be able to help you get started

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