Looking for my biological mother!
Hi! I was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada in 1944, Feb. 25th! I am with FamilyTree, did a DNA Test "Family Finder", and the good news was that I have found my Family on my father's side! They are from Toronto, Ontario, Canada! The name is Madden, although my father James Edward Madden was born in Pennsylvania, I have a lot of family member in Toronto! I have some too in Michigan, all over the place in US. I've met a few, very nice & warm people! I'm very happy that I got some results on my father's side! The mother's side though is not that easy, but I have names like McClosky, Lubinsky, Schindler, Hendrick, Moroney, McBreairty, Beler, Ferrell, Gunning, Kapke, Lafever, Schabath, Shull, Urban, Vadnais, Vaupel, Windon, Wood, Worshaw!
I have more but I guest they are distant!! I suspect that my mother was also from Toronto but she could have had family in Montreal??
If someone is looking for some of the names I mentioned above, I would appreciate your help, Thank you, Nicole
on 2014-09-17 12:10:56
Nicpat1944 , from Canada, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Sep 2014.