Looking for photo's of veteran from the Kaeo & Whangaroa area.
For the past 3 years I have been researching the WWI & WWII veterans on our Roll of Honour and not forgetting all the other conflicts from the Kaeo and Whangaroa area. To this I have add all the returned servicemen past & present. The support I have received from the community is awesome and the many stories and photos collected I hope to share when it is finalised and put into a journal.
on 2014-10-03 22:32:19
j_nathan105 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Sep 2014.
well done!
really look forward to reading your journal of stories on these brave men
Can you tell us whose photos you are still looking for?
Melbourne Thompson/Melbourne Boyd-24080
Hubert Douglas Hare-60113
Haora Te Hui-19528
Tauiti Kingi-16/621
Albert Downes-16/508
Daniel Epiha-16/1509
Percy Wood-10/897
Frederick Alfred Hansen-92581
Henry Flavell-45685