GOLDY, Elizabeth born about 1815 in New Jersey
Am seeking names of parents for Elizabeth GOLDY who was born in New Jersey. In 1839 she married William WILLIAMS and had these children: Harry Podesta; Mary Anna; Edward R; and Eayre L WILLIAMS. They lived in Pemberton, Burlington Co, New Jersey. Will gladly share information this family.
on 2014-11-13 21:56:40
Gin , from USA, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2014.
Hello, I am also searching for an Elizabeth Goldy, she was probably born in New Jersy, married John Morris in 1878, gave birth to a daughter Sarah in 1830. John died about 1833 and Sarah was living with relatives with no sign of Elizabeth. There was a male named John Goldy with Sarah on the 1850 census living with a family named Michner in Carrdingtob, Morrow Ohio. John Morris was Quaker and from New Jersey. I had heard somewhere that Elizabeth had remarried and left Sarah with family, could these be the same Elizabeth? Sarah was my 3rd great grandmother, she married Joseph Bowyer in about 1850 in Ohio.
Thank you
I'm sorry, but I don't think this is the same Elizabeth Goldy. My Elizabeth Goldy who was born about 1815 married William Williams in 1836 when she was about 20 years old and lived as his wife until she died in 1897 in Philadelphia, PA. I don't have any information on your Elizabeth (Goldy) Morris or Sarah Morris, but I will keep them in mind and if I see anything about them, I will get in touch with you. Thanks for your note and happy hunting.
According to the marriage cert Elizabeth Goldy and William Williams married on the 6th Jan 1836. It does not list any witnesses.
Elizabeth Williams [Elizabeth Goldy]
Birth Date: 1816
Birth Place: New Jersey, USA
Death Date: 1897
Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA
Cemetery: Pemberton Baptist Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Pemberton, Burlington County, New Jersey, USA
It would appear from this that Elizabeth was take to Pemberton to be buried
Is this your family. Parents are William and Elizabeth but only matching child is Edward
1850 census
William Williams
Age: 40
Birth Year: abt 1810
Birthplace: New Jersey
Home in 1850: Pemberton, Burlington, New Jersey
Gender: Male
Family Number: 242
William Williams 40
Elizabeth Williams 35
Charles Williams 11
Levina Williams 9
Antes Williams 8
Edward Williams 1
Edward Gooldy 21 ** Brother ??
1860 Census
William Williams
Age in 1860: 48
Birth Year: abt 1812
Birthplace: New Jersey
Home in 1860: Pemberton, Burlington, New Jersey
Gender: Male
Post Office: Pemberton
William Williams 48
Elizabeth Williams 40
Charles Williams 22
Lavinia Williams 18
Antis Williams 16
Sarah Williams 14
Edward Williams 12
George Williams 10
Anna Williams 8
1870 census
William Williams
Age in 1870: 57
Birth Year: abt 1813
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Home in 1870: Borough of Pemberton, Burlington, New Jersey
Race: White
Gender: Male
Post Office: Pemberton
William Williams 57
Elizabeth Williams 53
George Williams 19
Annie Williams 17
WW1 Draft
Name: Harry Podesta Williams
Event Type: Draft Registration
Event Date: 1942
Event Place: Camden, Camden, New Jersey, United States
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 14 Oct 1881
Affiliate ARC Identifier: 2555983
Affiliate Publication Title: World War II Draft Cards (4th Registration) for the State of New Jersey , Affiliate Publication Number: M1986 , GS Film Number: 2275853 , Digital Folder Number: 004135898 , Image Number: 06191
I only found the one Harry Podesta Williams born in 1881 but it does not give his parents. born 1881 means if William and Elizabeth were his parents they would have been approx 70 & 65 when he was born.
This looks like the family you refer to but the parents are George Williams and Ella ????
United States Census, 1900
Name: Harry P Williams
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1900
Event Place: Precinct 4 Camden city Ward 9, Camden, New Jersey, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Race (Original): W
Relationship to Head of Household: Son
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Son
Birth Date: Oct 1881
Birthplace: New Jersey
Father's Birthplace: New Jersey
Mother's Birthplace: New Jersey
George Williams Head M 47 New Jersey
Ella Williams Wife F 48 New Jersey
Eayre Williams Son M 25 New Jersey
Maude Williams Daughter F 22 New Jersey
Harry P Williams Son M 19 New Jersey
Edward Williams Son M 17 New Jersey
District: 78 , Sheet Number and Letter: 2A , Household ID: 34 , Line Number: 48 , Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) , Affiliate Publication Number: T623 , GS Film Number: 1240959 , Digital Folder Number: 004120413 , Image Number: 00193
George in the above 1900 census might be the son of William and Elizabeth shown in the 1870 census. You need to try and tie the two families together.
This might be your link:
Name: George S. Williams
Birth Date: 1850
Age: 24
Spouse's Name: Ella Bowers
Spouse's Birth Date: 1850
Spouse's Age: 24
Event Date: 22 Oct 1874
Event Place: Pemberton, Burlington, New Jersey
Father's Name: Wm. ******
Mother's Name: Elizabeth ******
Spouse's Father's Name: James H.
Spouse's Mother's Name: Ann
Marital Status: Single
Spouse's Marital Status: Single
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M02511-5 , System Origin: New Jersey-EASy , GS Film number: 494156 , Reference ID: item 1 86
I wonder where Harry got his middle name from this looks like the link. His fathers sister married a Poedesta
Lavenia Poedesta [Lavenia Williams]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 80
Birth Date: 17 Aug 1842
Birth Place: New Jersey
Death Date: 17 Oct 1922
Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Father Name: William Williams
Father Birth Place: Jersey
Mother Name: Elizabeth Jorder *****
Mother Birth Place: New Jersey
Certificate Number: 91238
I think this as been transcribed wrong. It begins with a Y but I cannot work the rest of it out