Looking for Thurman and Estelle Hartis
on 2015-02-26 10:56:46
Geraldine64 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2015.
Where and birth dates (approx) for these two people would help to search for them. Are they siblings or married ??
Is this your Thurman and Estelle Hartis ??
U.S. City Directories
Name: Thurman B Hartis
Gender: Male
Residence Year: 1949
Street address: 605 San Marcus
Residence Place: Compton, California, USA
Occupation: Painter
Spouse: Estella Hartis
Publication Title: Compton, California, City Directory, 1949
I think it is who I'm looking for, but I don't have much info. I just found out about my ggrandmother, and Thurman Hartis. Her full name would be Estelle (Watson) Archer Hartis. She had two daughters with my ggrandfather John B Archer. Names Flossie, and Thelma. Thank you for getting back to me, and so quickly! I appreciate it.
Yes it is them. I now have her death Certificate that matches the above address. Thank you for posting!