Alex. Haldan's name appears just once,on page 132, in Colin McLear's A DREAMTIME OF DROMANA, as one of the signatories in 1861 supporting Robert Quinan's bid for his private school to be chosen ahead of Daniel Nicholson's to become the Dromana Common School.
Silly me! I thought that Alex was the husband of Frances Holden whose store was near the Carrigg St corner. However, later investigation showed that the husband of Frances (who almost reached her 102nd birthday) was James Holden,a completely different person.
The death of Mrs Frances Holden,probably the Peninsula's only centenarian, occurred at her residence at Dromana on Monday. Had she lived until October, Mrs Holden would have reached the age of 102 years. With her husband, she settled in Dromana 82 years ago and had lived there ever since. She came from Sussex, England, when a young
girl. In her younger days she took an active part in movements for the advancement of the district. A good
horsewoman, she used to join parties that went out hunting kangaroos. Burial took place in the Dromana
cemetery where the remains were interred beside those of her husband who died about 60 years ago. The burial service was read by the Rev.A.F. Falconer. Mr Hector Gamble, of Frankston had charge of the
funeral arrangements. (P.1, Frankston and Somerville Standard, 25-8-1934.)
RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Fiona Harris Ancestors
HALDAN, Alexander b: CA 1818 in Ayr, Scotland d: 14 NOV 1876 in Dromana, Victoria
Sourced from above website.
HALDAN.-On the 14th inst., at his residence, Dromana, Alexander Haldan, late of Ayrshire, Scotland, aged 58.
(P.1, Argus,15-11-1876.)
Alexander Haldan was born into the Haldan family. He married Henderson Margaret (Balman?) Haldan and had (1???) child together: Andrew Haldan.
(Alexander Haldan - Dromana - › History › Haldan Family)
POSTSCRIPT. NO WONDER I HADN'T FOUND A MARRIAGE NOTICE. TRYING TO FIND WHAT HAD HAPPENED TO MARGARET'S SUPPOSED PARENTS,I TRIED "HENDERSON,DROMANA". Still no evidence re Margaret's parents. At least we can see where the given name of Andrew (born 1869) came from. Another postscript follows the HENDERSON information below.
HALLADAN(sic)—HENDERSON.—On the 13th inst., by the Rev. I. Hetherington, at the residence of Captain Ruffle, Williamstown, uncle of the bride, Alexander Halladan (sic), Dromana , third son of the Rev. Andrew
Halladan, Ayrshire, Scotland, to Margaret Balmonne Henderson. No cards.(P.4, Argus,15-1-1863.)
HALDAN.—On the 29th ult., at Dromana, the wife of Alexander Haldan of a daughter.(P.4,Argus,1-4-1864.)
David Moffett On Birth Certificate - Historical records and ...
David married Margaret (Balmanne?) WILSON (born HALDAN) on month day 1886, at age 26 at ... Margaret was born on March 29 1864, in Dromana, Melbourne.(Not much more on page.)
WILSON-HALDAN.-On the 16th ult., at the residence of the bride's mother, Belmont-house, Drummond- street, Carlton, by the Rev. John Strang, David Moffat, second son of Thomas Wilson (of Wilson, Corben, and Co.) to Maggie Barbara, eldest daughter of the late Alexander Haldan, of Dromana, and niece of the late Drs. John Campbell and Bernard Haldan, Ayr, Scotland.(P.1, Argus,13-4-1886.)
[HALDAN.-- On the 18th February, at 770 Drummond street, Carlton, Margaret Balmanno,widow of the late Alexander Haldan (formerly of Ayr), aged 65 years. Scotch papers please copy. (P.1,Argus, 23-2-1903.)
POSTSCRIPT, 24-10-2017. It was not until about six months ago that I discovered that Victorian BDM could be accessed online. Here is Margaret's death record.
EventDeath Event registration number1008 Registration year1903
Personal information
Family nameHALDAN Given namesMargt Balmanns SexUnknown Father's nameHenderson Jas Mother's nameJane (Beveridge) Place of birth Place of deathCarl N Age65 Spouse's family name Spouse's given names
Jane Jessie Haldan,Dromana, Australia,In 1866 Father-Alexander Haldan Mother-Henderson Margaret (Balman?) Haldan
(Jane Haldan Birth Records
Name/Birth place/Date/ Father/Mother
Andrew Haldan,Dromana Australia in 1869, Alexander Haldan, Henderson Margaret (Balman?) Haldan
(Andrew Haldan Birth Records
Family Notices
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 27 May 1869 p 4 Family Notices
... ; daughter. HALDAN.—On the 22nd inst, at Dromana, the wife of Alexander Haldan of a son.
The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Wednesday 28 August 1867 p 7 Article
... - Tucker; Dandenong East, W. Brisbane, Borwick ; Kangoronsr. A. Haldan, postmastor, Dromana ; Snapper Point ...
The Postmaster-General was waited upon on Friday by Mrs.(Alex.)Haldan, accompanied by Mr. Fergusson, M.L.A., the object being to draw his attention to the inconvenience caused to the residents of Dromana by the removal of the post and telegraph office from that place to some distance outside Dromana. Mrs. Haldan represented that her husband had held the office of postmaster in Dromana for many years till the office was removed,and if it were now re-transferred to Dromana she was willing to supply a building for the purpose free of cost to the department. Mr. Cuthbert replied that if it was the wish of the residents generally that the office should be re-transferred,he would take the matter into consideration.
Mr.Gibson, the lessor of the post-office building, afterwards waited upon the Postmaster-General, and represented that he was one of the guarantors to the department in regard to the post-office at Dromana, and he desired that they might not be called upon to pay the deficiency of L.105 in the revenue. In support of his request he quoted several precedents, and Mr. Cuthbert promised to take the matter into consideration. Telegraph.
(South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic. : 1872 - 1920) Wednesday 5 June 1878 p 2 Article)
ROBERT CALDWELL, Esq., J.P. - Sir.- His Excellency the Governor having proclaimed by notice in the Government Gazette the Road District of Kangerong, we, the undersigned landholders and householders, have to request you to convene a meeting of the landholders and householders of the above district to form a Road Board, in
conformity with the 10th Vict., No. 40.
We are, Sir, (only corrected names here)
Alexander Haldan, do.
Peter Pedato, do. , (Pidoto)
Thomas Milne, do.
Richard Watkin, householder.
Thomas Ginley, do.
Abraham Griffith, do.
15th July, 1863.
In conformity with the above requisition, I hereby.....HOUSEHOLDERS, to be held at the Scurfleld Hotel,
Dromana, on 3rd August, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of (etc.)
In LIME LAND LEISURE,C.N.Hollished stated that Alex. was a landholder,which came from the notice to Robert Caldwell. This might give the impression that he had a farm but he probably owned three township blocks,about an acre and a half, on which he would have built the original Carnarvon,the original post office. See my journal,HERITAGE WALK,DROMANA. He had built this by the 1865 assessment when he was rated on one acre and a six roomed house with outbuildings. In fact it would have been constructed before the 3-9-1864 assessment; either the rate collector forgot to assess him or my transcription was faulty. He was an electoral registrar for the general election.
The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Thursday 14 April 1864 p 6 Article
... . Tucker, Cranbourne ; Dandenong East, W. Brisbane, Berwick ; Kangerong, Alexr. Haldan, postmaster, Dromana
By 1866,he had become a trustee for the Mechanics' Institute
Charles Barnett, Daniel Nicholson, James M'Lean, Alexander Haldan and Robert Caldwell to be trustees of the land set apart on tho 8th of August, 1864, for Mechanics' Institute purposes at Dromana.
(P.6,The Age,20-6-1866.)
HENDERSON George M. 1875-9
Excerpt from John Cain's memories (included at the start of this journal.)
The Flinders and Kangerong Road Boards amalgamated and constituted the shire of Flinders and Kangerong. In the following August in '75 all the members were disbanded; four candidates were nominated for three in the west riding and he (John Cain) was successful and has never been opposed since. His colleagues were Messrs W. B. Ford and Robert Anderson, the latter held the seat till three years ago (John Barker jun, S. Tuck, and Geo. Henderson centre riding), (David Mairs, Caldwell and Robert Wighton east riding).
FLINDERS AND KANGERONG SHIRE Present:the President (John Barker junr.) Councillors McLear, Cain Anderson, Ford and Henderson. As had been anticipated considerable discussion ensued on the resumption of the question touching the action of councillor Henderson in interfering with the drains whereby his and the adjoining lands were completely submerged. A letter was read from Mr. Peddle, complaining of the damage done to his property through the water being diverted from its proper channel, and the outlet stopped up. Pointing out that the fact of Mr. Henderson being a Councillor rendered him more culpable in violating the law and, that if the Council did not take cognizance of his having done so it could not consistently prosecute for similar offences in future. Mr. Watkin also stated that he had and was still sustaining great injury from the same cause. The President thought that a reprimand would meet the case. Councillor, Anderson however. thought that Mr Henderson being a Councillor his infringement of the Act was more censurable; and, as great injury had been done to a great number of ratepayers, some stronger action should be taken in the matter. It was ultimately decided to reprimand Councillor Henderson, and a resolution to that effect was passed. The Secretary was in- structed to serve the notice requiring the re-opening of the drains in question.
(P.3, South Bourke and Mornington Journal, 31-7-1878.)
Nelson Ruddick (sic, Rudduck) v. G. M. Henderson ; 10, for money paid at defendant's request. Mr F. Stephen for plaintiff ; Mr Walsh for defendant. This case arose out of a drain being cut through the land of both plaintiff and defendant as recommended by Mr Muntz, the Engineer to the Shire, and to which the respective owners were to contribute, Mr Henderson's share being the amount claimed and which the plaintiff proved Mr Henderson had entrusted the plaintiff to pay for him, but which the defendant afterwards repudiated, as not being correct. After a brief hearing, in which the parties to the suit were examined, his Honor gave a verdict for the amount claimed and 5 10s. costs.(P.3, South Bourke and Mornington Journal, 16-2-1881.)
In order to make sense of the proximity of Henderson, Peddle, Watkins and Rudduck, the last three suffering from Henderson's drainage issues in the above two articles, some more rate research was needed. My first suspicion was that the incidents involved the Westernport area. However, the first shire rate record of 1875 showed that George Meldrum Henderson, butcher was assessed on 30 acres and a 3 roomed house in Dromana and 60 acres in Dromana . I suspect that the 60 acre property was crown allotment 12, section 1, Kangerong. Consisting of 60 acres 3 roods and 24 perches, this land, granted to Captain Ross,and bounded by Jetty Rd, Palmerston Ave, Mary St and Boundary Rd,became Spencer Jackson's Panoramic Estate. It is hilly and would have a tremendous run-off after heavy rain. It is across Palmerston Avenue from crown allotment 5 of section 1 of section 1. (More about crown allotment 5 later!)
There is no need to guess the location of the 30 acres, which being west of McCulloch St, actually was part of Dromana (Township); section 1 Kangerong was not and the post office was actually in the west corner of Foote St with much protest about it being moved closer to the pier later on.
These three suburban allotments in section E of the township were granted to G.M.Henderson on the dates shown below. C/A 5, 7 acres 3 roods 31 perches, granted 16-5-1876.
C/A 6, 8 acres 2 roods, granted 16-5-1876. The three roomed house was probably on one of these blocks.
C/A 7, 15 acres 2 roods 37 perches, granted 20-2-1883.
This gives a total of 31 acres and 28 perches but if the roods and perches were ignored, the total would be 30 acres. This land was bounded at the south end by Seawind Lane, Pindara Rd and McLear Rd (Melway 159 F12)and extended north to the present Arthurs Seat State Park.
By 1877, George was assessed on 114 acres Kangerong, a description used until 1884 when George was assessed on 137 acres Kangerong and 80 acres and buildings Wannaeue. The same property was assessed in 1885 but in 1886 George was only assessed on the 80 acres, this time described as being in Kangerong. I believe this land was in Wannaeue (across Pindara Rd from the 30 acres) but with such lack of certainty in the rate records, it would be a five week job to determine its location.
George Henderson was not the first or last to get rid of his flood by donating it to a neighbour. Back Road Bob Cairns did the same thing to Robert Henry Adams near the corner of Hove Rd and Bayview Rd (Hobson's Flat Rd)in about 1906, with William Hobley being wrongly blamed, Robert Anderson of Barragunda taking the side of Cairns and being ridiculed about his attempts to get back on council, and Robert Adams threatening Robert Cairns and his son with a shovel when they took a short cut. (Google "Hobson's Flat Road".)
As mentioned before, the future Panoramic Estate was across Palmerston Ave from Crown allotment 5, section 1, Kangerong. Consisting of 36 acres and 25 perches, it was granted to a speculator who obviously subdivided it. James Holden and John McLear had one acre blocks east and west of Carrigg St and Peter Pidota and Richard Watkins had 17 acres each. Watkins had built a 12 roomed house (yes, that's what the helpful rate collector called the Dromana Hotel!) by about 1862. Crown allotment 5 was bounded by the Esplanade (beach road), the Carrigg St/Kangerong Ave midline, Palmerston Ave and the Solander/Marna St midline. Lou Carrigg bought the Pidota 17 acre portion and the 34 acres became Spencer Jackson's Foreshore Estate in 1927.
Henry Pedder was a hotel keeper, so referring to the letter read to council, I had to assume he was running the Dromana Hotel for Watkins. But that's not what the rate records show. Newspaper articles refer to the Peddles at the Bay View and then the Royal Hotel at Hastings. Henry was assessed on 139 acres, Bittern in 1875 but by 1880, this had become 115 acres. Henry was granted 115 acres, being crown allotment 83A, Bittern on 24-3-1882. This had a 1268 metre frontage to Frankston-Flinders Rd and its queer eastern boundary can be seen faintly traced in Melway 164 H 2 and 3; the left half of Melway 164 H4 was part of 83A.
This was the most northerly part of the parish of Bittern east of Hendersons Rd and was in the Flinders and Kangerong Shire. Just across the Warringine Creek was Hastings (in the parish of Tyabb and Shire of Mornington of which Councillor Peddle was elected President in August 1879.)
Henry Peddle was only ever assessed in the east riding of the Shire of Flinders and Kangerong, never in the Centre Riding of which Dromana was a part. Therefore, I presume the letter read to council was written by Mr Pidota, a man much discussed in local histories but seemingly never in newspapers (perhaps because they never got his name right!) This would explain why Mr Watkin (sic) was also affected.
George Meldrum Henderson's last assessment was in 1886.
DROMANA. During the recent thunder storm a valuable cow belonging to Mr. Henderson,butcher of Dromana was killed by lightning. The animal was grazing in a small paddock on the side of Arthur's seat at the time the accident occurred. There is no doubt of death having been caused by the electric fluid ; the symptoms being unmistakeable.(P.3,South Bourke and Mornington Journal, 13-2-1878.)
Oh, Peter Pidota exists after all! The township boundary has just been mentioned in this entry.
A matter of considerable importance to a number of ratepayers of Flinders and Kangerong Shire came before the Council at the meeting on Saturday last. Mr. R. Watkins alleged that Councillor Henderson had made an opening from drain on public land so as to divert the water on to his own land thereby swamping his own land , submerging his neighbours' land, greatly to their detriment. Captain Pidoto also spoke of the serious damage done to his property by the action of Councillor Henderson. What action the Council mean to take is not yet known, but it would appear by the 400th section part 16 Local Government Act, that the Councillor's liable to make good the drain so diverted. and to a penalty not exceeding 20.... A petition was presented by Councillor McLear; praying that the boundary of the present township of Dromana might be so extended as to include the jetty and other places of business. The petition was signed by a number of owners of land in the township, and also by nearly all the owners of land sought to be incorporated. Notice of motion was given for the consideration of the matter at the next meeting of the Council.
(P.3, South Bourke and Mornington Journal, 3-7-1878.)
THIS DAY Kirk's Bazaar
To Racing Men, Shippers for India, and Others
M'CULLOCH, CAMPBELL, and Co have received instructions from Mr Geo M Henderson, Dromana, to SELL by AUCTION, on Thursday, May 29, at twelve o'clock,The thoroughbred race mare Miss Jane by L L ,
by Touchstone out of Sunbeam, by The Hermit (imp ) She is half sister to the noted horse Flinders and Lady Somerville.(P. 2, Argus, 29-5-1879.)
Lady Somerville and Lord Somerville were owned by Alf Jones of the Almond Bush Stud at Somerville. He and Hodgins were two of the three Canadians who supplied wood to the "Liverpool" anchored well offshore in Canadian Bay.
Was this George's father?
HENDERSON -On the 1st inst., at Dromana, Victoria,
James Henderson formerly of Kirkcaldy, Scotland, aged 78 years. Home papers please copy.
(P.1, Argus, 20-1-1875.)
His mother?
The death occurred here on Tuesday of Mrs Henderson, a very old lady. Deceased had been ailing for a very long time,and was 82 years of age. She leaves behind a grown-up family, one of her sons living at present near Rosebud. The funeral took place at the Dromana cemetery, Mr Welling, the local Presbyterian minister, con- ducting the burial service.((P.2, Mornington Standard, 21-1-1905.)
The son was probably Lawrence Henderson who had 105 acres, 31CD, Wannaeue in 1900.This was granted to Dromana pioneer, John Townsend, and bounded by Hove Rd, Rosebud Pde, Waterfall Gully Rd and Bayview/Old Cape Schanck Rd.
DEATH. HENDERSON. - On 17th inst., at Dromana, Juliana Elizabeth Henderson, in her 83rd year. Relict of the late James Henderson, C.E., Glasgow. (P.2, Bairnsdale Advertiser and Tambo and Omeo Chronicle, 19-1-1905.)
Finally, I wonder if George was related to William Henderson after whom Henderson Rd (southern extension of Somerville's Jones Rd and Tyabb's Boes Rd) was probably named, who later moved to Frankston-Cranborne Rd.
HENDERSON Reginald David 1961-4 ??????
POSTSCRIPT. I tried a google search for HENDERSON,DROMANA CEMETERY. Gemma would be a feminine version of James so I presume that Gemma Wiseman would be descended from blacksmith,James Wiseman, one of Red Hill's earliest pioneers. Gemma's website has a photo of William Henderson's gravestone and she has written the following comment.
Challenge of Dromana Cemetery - Gemma's ~~~ "Greyscale ...
May 1, 2012 - Dromana Cemetery is not far from my home on the Mornington ... Was James Henderson's brother the only connection with Dromana? Strange ..
So I console myself with a few zoomed views of nearby graves.
This crumbling grave is right at the entrance gate of the cemetery.
(INSCRIPTION. William Henderson M.I.C.E., born at Glasgow,Scotland,24-1-1854. Entered into rest Wannaeue Victoria 11-12-1898.)
William Henderson was a civil engineer from Glasgow, specialising in designing waterworks.
It was in that capacity he emigrated and became well known in Victoria for his skills.
Excerpt from ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers)
Mr. Henderson’s connection with the Colony of Victoria commenced in the year 1886, when he was engaged in making
reports and estimates for irrigation projects under the instructions
of the Royal Commission on Water-Supply. He was then
appointed executive engineer to the Victorian Water-Supply
Department, in which capacity he designed and superintended the
construction of national irrigation works in the district of
Goulburn. He was also engaged in preparing a report and
estimates for a supply of water for domestic and stock purposes
over about 17,000 square miles in the Mallee District. He retired
from the service of the Victorian Water-Supply Department in
1895, and started to practise on his own account as a hydraulic
Shortly afterwards, he was struck down with paralysis and died at the age of 44 in his brother's home near Dromana.
What I wonder is, where was his private practice? Dromana?
The Mallee district, where James mainly worked, is in the far north of Victoria.
Dromana is in the far south.
Was James Henderson's brother the only connection with Dromana?
Strange to find such a large memorial to a public figure who may not have lived in the area.
NOTE #1: The M.I.C.E. on the grave = Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers
HENDERSON. — On the 11th December, at his brother's residence, Bracken-lodge, Wannaeue,near Dromana, William Henderson, C.E., late of V.W.S. department, eldest son of the late James Henderson, C.E., Glasgow, aged 44 years.(P.22,The Australasian,24-12-1898.)

on 2015-04-11 00:17:52
Itellya is researching local history on the Mornington Peninsula and is willing to help family historians with information about the area between Somerville and Blairgowrie. He has extensive information about Henry Gomm of Somerville, Joseph Porta (Victoria's first bellows manufacturer) and Captain Adams of Rosebud.