looking for Guy Hartland,devon
I am researching the Blissett family and want to find records of the Guy family from Hartland
on 2015-05-16 11:26:40
pandaann has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2015.
There are a lot of Guy families in Devon.
Do you have some names, dates etc. to start the search?
Thomas and Sarah Guy and children Louisa,Sarah and Henry.Living in Hartland in 1911.
Dates of birth would be useful
I have been sent several pieces of information from the site,it seems that I had misread a document online or the spelling was wrong and the family lived in Hentland and not Hartland,strange really because the Guy family seems to come from Hartland.I suppose they could have lived there at some time.I originally found the family in the 1911 census.I am pretty sure I read it correctly because I had never heard of either place.