Looking for Elgin Hebert siblings, and families

My name is Jennine Ardelle (Clark) Donier. My mother's maiden name is Dolores Hebert, Her dad was Elgin Hebert and her mother Candace Orilla (Dillard)Hebert Baldwin. After he and my grandfather's divorce she married Henry Baldwin. She married my dad David Roscoe Clark and I have three siblings, Florella Candace Clark, David Micheal Eldon Clark and Donald Duane Clark. I will post more about them and their families later.
My Mom's Brother's are James (Jim) Fredrick Hebert/Roberts He changed his name to Roberts then went back to Hebert later. His son's are Michael Hebert who resides in Hawaii and son Philip Roberts, His second wife was Bonnie Roberts; Loren W. Hebert was married to Im-Sun (Ruby) Hebert she was Korean and they had no children. Kingley Frank Hebert never married and had no children, John Delano Hebert Married Margie and they had no children. She had a sister Mary who died before mom was born Mary was age 2 she died from Pneumonia.
I know my Grandfather's Dad' name is James Clark Hebert and his Mother's name was Alberta Patrick Hebert, His Great Grandfather Was Peter Hebert out of Quebec, Canada and his great grandmother was Daisy Martha Clark. I am looking for children of Peter and Daisy and of James and Alberta.
Peter moved with his family to Hazeldell, WA near Vancouver and was killed in a hit and run accident by an auto thief in 1911. He and Daisy had several children. I am trying to find information about this family it was also stated that Either Daisy or Alberta was Blackfoot or part Blackfoot Native American. I will add more as I go through my mom's paperwork which is mixed up. She completed her mother Candace Orilla Dillard Hebert/Baldwin's Family tree and as a result she and I are Daughters of the American Revolution. She was working on the Hebert family tree when she passed away April 5th, 2005 one day before her 75th birthday.

on 2015-05-22 14:32:19
Celanith has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2015.