Looking for Lee Fook Kwei 's family tree
I'm looking for further information about Lee Fook Kwei, male, born in 1910. He was the former headmaster of Shih Chung School in Northam Road, Penang, Malaysia, and was an avid Tai Chi practitioner. He married Ong Swee Bee, who was also a teacher in the same school and they have two children, a son and a daughter born in 1938 and 1950 respectively. He passed away in 1978 in Penang, Malaysia. Am interested to know if anyone has info about his siblings. He and his siblings were separated during the Japanese Occupation and I believe his adopted mother chose to remain behind in Singapore with some of his siblings.
on 2015-06-06 06:24:33
whiteonwhite has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2015.