perersen sweden
after fruitless searching for my g grandmother ,I finally have a copy of her birth certicate from karl johan parish swedn . her father is shown as - - olaf Petersen . I can,t decipher the first 2 words, very curly writing.she was illegitimate which was no surprise. can,t quite decipher her mother,s last name.. very frustrating.. many thanks to the 2 people in Sweden who helped me, they couldn,t deciher the words either. anne
on 2016-02-10 18:58:48
anne_steel1 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2014.
hi, thanks for the info. from what I can work out on the birth certicate, per olaf Petersen was the father of fredrica Eugenia. and her mother charlotte ruth borg or berg.. . still confusing. cheers anne