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Finding The Bits And Pieces Of Myself

Journal by debbiedoobee

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by debbiedoobee Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2016-10-24 04:01:14

debbiedoobee has been a Family Tree Circles member since Oct 2016.

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by debbiedoobee on 2016-10-24 04:16:17

Hello to everyone! My maiden name is Deborah Lynn SMITH and I have been married for 42 years, by the name of Deborah Lynn KENEALY. I grew up in the Chicago Illinois area but lived most of my adult life in Madison, WI.I am relatively new to genealogy and like many my relatives rarely spoke of the past. I have discovered amazing things and continue to be amazed. I am looking for any information about the surnames of Thornton SMITH, William J. DOODY, John Willis BRADSHAW, William H. THACKER, Agnes Skolka DOODY, Marie M. SOKOL/SKOLKA. My heritages appear to be English, Irish/Scot, Bohemian and Swedish....which reminds me Agusta HOLST and Alec BENSON It's all an adventure and we never know who will come across our paths....Nice to meet you

by LDS080459 on 2016-10-25 03:48:12

Well Hi Deborah!
I like friendly people :).
I would like to keep this brief, but I can't guarantee anything because I am quite the Story Teller (chatter box) haha.

My adoptive name is Lynn Donnette Spencer. I believe they changed my name when I was adopted. Although I think Donnette may have some significance, you'll see why. I may have been born 8/4/59 but I'm not sure because my adoptive people told me I was born 9/27/59 and raised me with a boy as his twin even we were un-related.
You know this may be a shot in the dark, but it's a shot I'm very willing to take.

And you're right we never know who will come across our paths.

So anyhoot, I finally sent for my DNA test through Well I am quite amazed that I have 370 4th Cousins or closer. My goodness, I always wanted to be part of a big family.

And it's really awesome because I now know my heritage! 50% Great Britain and 48% Eastern European. 1% Asian and 1% Scandanavian.

I'm writing to you now because even before I received my DNA results I believed I was related to the Smith Family. As a child one of my adoptive relatives told me that a couple named Linnie and Smitty (Smith) were my Grandparents. I can't remember if she said Maternal or Paternal. But I remember them, they were very nice.

My DCSS non-id paperwork states that my Birth Mom is from Illinois (because you grew up in Illinois peaked my interest) and my Birth Father is from New Jersey.

I am a direct descendant of Henderson Cook. In his DNA circle I found 3 first cousins among my 370 cousins. Scottie Smith, Sabrina Cook and Tanya Payne.

I am related to Donnette Smith and also Donnette Kesler. The Donnette name seems to have been passed down in that family (my family) to both men and women. That could be a coincidence though.

I have never met a birth relative. Not my Mom, Dad or siblings and cousins. I've never met anyone who resembles me. I'm so glad I never gave up. My adoptive people buried my identity deep, but not deep enough now. I'm not whining, I'm one tough cookie.

I have already spoken to my cousin Scottie (a girl) who lives in Chicago, Illinois. We're still trying to figure out our connection, and she already invited me to her home for the holidays if I can make it. Amazing!

I would never want to intrude on my Birth Family, but I tell you I have missed them always even though I've never even met them. I want to meet my Family.

I first want to thank you for reading my mini-novel. You're true friendly spirit really shows, even in writing.

I apologize for dumping this on you as I see you yourself are looking for information.

Take care,


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