My Gandmother wasNoraFlemming she was bornintaranaki,New ZealandmarriedcharlesOscarEdmonds In January 1880 Malone arrived in Taranaki, New Zealand, as a steerage passenger on the Western Monarch to join his elder brother, Austin. William George Malon<
Her father was Mr John flemming and her Mother was Katherine malon her parents were i think Austin Malon or William george Malon they are from taranaki can you please help me to find the parents of Katherine Malon my great grandmother I think they are the chemist people from England. Thomas Augustine Malone, an Irish Catholic and a chemist by profession. he third of five children of Louisa Childs and her husband, Thomas Augustine Malone, an Irish Catholic and a chemist by profession. I want to know who's child Katherine Malon is??????? from taranaki, NZ Married to John Flemming from Ireland...Tip in Ireland...Katherine Malon is from Pungarehu, Tnk, New Zealand. This is the brother I think:Malone, William George
... 24 January 1859, the third of five children of Louisa Childs and her husband, Thomas Augustine Malone, an Irish Catholic and a chemist by profession. Thomas Malone's early death in 1867 appears to ... This is my Great great great great grandfather.
on 2017-01-17 22:11:13
Becky111 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2017.