Looking for real parents and grandparents of JAMES TURNBULL.
I have been searching for JAMES TURNBULLS real parents for a long time. Some say he was born 1816, some 1818, some 1821.He died in HAYWARD WISCONSIN, where I live. No records, there was a flood in 1941 and I can't find anything on him. He was born in OHIO, later moved his family to Indiana, then to southern Wisconsin. He later moved to Hayward with his daughter Mathilda Cornick who owned the first resort on SPIDER LAKE.His son WESLEY DAVID is my husbands GREAT GRANDFATHER.I need records as to who he was and what he did.He married LYDIA BROBST in 1849, she died in 1805. There is a lot of hearsay out there. JUST FACTS PLEASE. Thank you so much.
on 2017-05-24 16:54:40
crusher45 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Apr 2017.