Conrad Adam Bonsak birthplace and parents, he was born on 23 January 1805 in Hamburg Enkries Baden-Wuertemberg, Germany
He died on 8 September 1876 in Hobart Tasmania Australia.
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Conrad Adam Bonsak He was married to Anna Johanna Maria Schulenberg on 27 October 1833 in St Michaels Hamburg Germany. He had one son Johann Wilhelm Ernst Bonsak.
The immigrated to Australia we believe in 1849 and lived in Greensborough Victoria. I am his great, great grandson.
Conrad's father may have been name Johann Bonsak or Bonsack or even Bohnsack.
Surnames: NONE
Viewed: 2026 times Likes: 0
by Bonza Profile | Research |
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on 2017-07-29 07:54:29
Bonza has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2017.
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Conrad Adam Bonsak He was married to Anna Johanna Maria Schulenberg on 27 October 1833 in St Michaels Hamburg Germany. He had one son Johann Wilhelm Ernst Bonsak.
The immigrated to Australia we believe in 1849 and lived in Greensborough Victoria. I am his great, great grandson.
Conrad's father may have been name Johann Bonsak or Bonsack or even Bohnsack.
Surnames: NONE
Viewed: 2026 times
Likes: 0
by Bonza Profile | Research |
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on 2017-07-29 07:54:29
on 2017-07-29 07:54:29
Bonza has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2017.
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Bonza on 2024-02-17 01:17:18
I have contacted Birth Deaths and Marriages in Hobart. They have no record of Conrad Adam Bonsak, Bonsack or Bohnsack dyeing in Hobart or anywhere in Tasmania. I wonder where this information came from??????