vincent_xuereb has been a Family Tree Circles member since Aug 2017.
Mr Salvatore Xuereb
in the New South Wales, Australia, Unassisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1826-1922.
Name: Mr Salvatore Xuereb
Port of Departure: Marseilles
Port of Arrival: Sydney, New South Wales
Voyage Arrival Date: 25 May 1922
Vessel Name: El Kantara
Origin Location: Malta.
Provided in association with State Records Authority of NSW.
Birth: 21 Mar 1859 - Malta
Marriage: 5 June 1881 (5 Jun 1881) - Malta
Death: 1927
Parents: Francesco Xuereb
Spouse: Carolina Agatha Xaveria Decelis.
Salvator Xuereb
in the UK, Naval Medal and Award Rolls, 1793-1972.
Name: Salvator Xuereb
Medal or Award: RN Good Conduct Medal
Service Year: 1912-1919
Ship Name: Egmont.
I just found a tree on Ancestry of Xuereb Family Tree Original Owner Vincent Xuereb. He has parents down as for Salvatore as.
Francesco Xuereb
DEATH Unknown.
Marianna Agius.
Salvatore Xuereb
BIRTH 21 MAR 1859 • St Dominics Parish Valletta, Malta
DEATH 1927 • to 1930.
Clara Decelis
BIRTH Senglea, Malta
DEATH Unknown....1st. Wife.
5 June 1881 • Valletta, Malta
Madonna tal-Porto Salvo u San Duminku - Basilica, Valletta, Malta
Clara Decelis.
Carolina Agatha Xaveria Decelis
BIRTH 7 NOV 1848 • Senglea/Valletta, Malta
DEATH Malta. 2nd. Wife
6 May 1888 • Valletta, Malta
Madonna tal-Porto Salvo u San Duminku - Basilica, Valletta, Malta
Carolina Agatha Xaveria Decelis (1848–)
Hope this helps.
Hi there.
That Vincenzo Xuereb is my Grandfather.
Vincent Xuereb is me. Its my Family Trees. A few of them in Ancestry and I got other few in My Heritage as well.
Salvatore Xuereb is my Great grandfather.
I found most of Clara's siblings including Carolina and their full names DOB etc. written in latin in Malta church archives.
Most of the Xuereb where born in St Dominic church in Valletta and the Decelic in Senglea, Malta. I done most of the translation myself, but I only used the first two names in here. The godparents are listed in latin as well. I listed them in excel documents as I wasn't sure all the meanings in latin.
I been trying to find Salvatore Xuereb Parents which are Francesco Xuereb his wifes Marianna Agius Parents. and their siblings etc.
Some of the church archives are not digitised as yet and some might be lot or burnt in the wars.
Thanks for your help any other information will be Ok for two reasons.
1. In case I made a mistake.
2. Not having all the relative information installed.
Thanks Again Vincent Xuereb b 30 July 1953.
Hi Vincent, nice to meet had someone complain on here that I don,t really do research as such. I have an Ancestry sub. & use it not just for me, if I can help others who can,t afford Ancestry ot other like FMP, well I will.
IF I do find anything at all whether you may have or not I will send it you.
Hi Harry, nice to meet you too. I only just enrolled here, but I haven't heard of any complaints regarding anyone.
I been trying to find my ancestors for over 20 years and I only just found my great-grandfather Salvatore weddings to Clara and Carolina Decelis and their Parents. Thanks to a Lovely Genealogist in Malta for his help. He offered his service to me, but I don't like to seem that I'm using him. So I tried to find some myself. I found Carolina DOB etc. in Malta Church Archives, this includes most of her siblings. My father always said that they are from Senglea, Malta. Hense their marrage and parents I got from the Geneologist. He did me this favour after showing him the letters I sent to Priest doing the digital translation, the Maltese Consulate in Australia and the Orphanage in Sliema Malta.
I'm a pensioner now and cant afford subscriptions, etc. So any help would be nice. I been helping others finding their ancestors.
Actually one of them is very close to my family but I haven't been able to link both families. I helped her trace her Ancestors back to the start of her Surname. Some 1338 persons.
Susan Sylvia Annandale Story (She's in her mid 50's). Her Grandmother Name was Salvina (Sylvia) Xuereb married Guiseppe Maria Preca in 1919 in Floriana Malta. (Just outside Valletta).
Guiseppe or Joseph died 1n 1925. During the second world war Salvina Precca nee Xuereb (she was a widow) married a second time to James Annandale in 1933 he was in the Royal Marines and based in Malta from that time onwards and throughout the 2nd war, although he was at sea on an aircraft carrier until mid 1943. Sylvia's father has the same name, James Annandale so there is the English connection. Xuereb Salvina was born Floriana Sep 1900. She was one of many, many children as you will understand. Her parents were Francisco C P Xuereb born Floriana Jul 1866, he married Emmanuela Galea 1888 in Floriana she was born about 1870 in Floriana. Parents of Francisco----- Vincenzo Xuereb born 1841 Valletta he married Carmela Debatista born 1841 Floriana. Parents of Vencenzo ---- I only have the name of Luigi Xuereb. No birth year of location. Most of the above info she obtained from a cousin whose mother was a child from Salvina's first marriage.From the info I have given her on my family it does not look as if we are related. Perhaps cousins from some time way back in the midst of time.
I think the best way to share these is by giving you access to them.
Regards Vincent
Francesco Xuereb
in the UK, Naval and Military Courts Martial Registers, 1806-1930.
Name: Francesco Xuereb
Court or Trial Date: 1 Feb 1917
Court or Trial Place: Malta
Regiment: K.O. Malta (Militia)
Reference Number: WO 86/74.
Hi Vincent found this one is this anything of your family. There is plenty of the Xuereb name in England suppose thro' James Annandale in part. Also many in Australia, a far travelled name I may add.
two sites which may be of interest to you:
Malta Genealogy
Malta Mailing list at Rootsweb where you may browse or search the Malta Archives.
Hi Janilye, Thanks.
Any Information like this is very good.
So, Please send.
Regards Vincent Xuereb.