Genealogy Newbie, Well Sort Of...<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Genealogy Newbie, Well Sort Of...

Journal by Ctuck

🙋‍♀️ Hello there everyone. My name is Carolyn. In the year of 2005 I started on the family genealogy on my fathers side. Of course I had a turn of events which led to it, but I refuse to bore you with the details. On a warm 🌞 sunny day I was on the ☎ with my now deceased grandmother and I asked a few questions and she gave me the name and Email of a person who could help.
She had a trove of our family info, so I was told. I contacted her all excited and awaited a response.

Finally she had gotten back to me but swore up and down I didn't belong to the family, there was no way I was linked because apparently I was not the grandaughter of the person I got the information from.

Apparently the woman I got her name from had no kids. ( I laughed while reading this e mail because I knew Who my family was) Come to find out the woman whom responded had Alzheimer's.

Year's later with my free time here and there I work on things when ever I can. Now days both of my fathers parents are deceased and I'm now the 1 and only Grandchild in the McCluskey line.

I'd like to leave this project as complete as I can make it for my kids and our future generations.

Our line of McCluskey came from 🇮🇪 Ireland, Ulster, Londonderry and Donegal to be exact. I've learned over time we have many variations of the spelling and to this day we still have branches of family using the old spelling.

My research took off like crazy after I found our last name on the very first Ireland Census from the 1600's. I've been extremely fortunate to to come across others that had a few family bibles.

It is unfortunate that at this point all my direct blood descendants are deceased, anyone I find these days seems to be a distant relative of some sort.

I will pull out all my notes soon and jot down a list of where my most current relatives are from. Maybe with any luck I'll come across someone.

Surnames: McCluskey
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by Ctuck Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2019-06-23 18:57:03

Ctuck has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2019.

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