Meyers of Tasmania

I am researching the Meyers Family ,from Tasmania, Frederick Meyers was born in Germany I believe, went to England married a woman called Judith ???, he was sent to Tasmania as a convict, Judith went to Australia also as a convict, she drowned when she fell out of the boat taking her to shore, the paper clipping said she would be missed by her very affectionate husband and vast family. Frederick remarried a woman call Rebecca Wild also a convict. At some stage my gr. grandfather Frederick Nathaneil Meyers came to NZ he married Maria Churcher Paddy and they had 11 children, 9 girls and two boys. I would love to know more about the family while they were in Australia and how many of them came over to New Zealand.

on 2019-11-10 05:06:30
Leigh67 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2019.